Implementation is "guided" by SuiteRetail and performed by the customer in accordance to the Project Plan we introduce to you at kick-off. After you have...
Stores are used to define store locations, sub-store locations or inventory locations. Store(s) are assigned to specific terminals(s)in order to identify the terminal's physical location. Here you...
Settings are a very powerful part of the system, allowing to centrally control and configure a group of Terminals. Terminals are attached to a Settings...
Terminals are used to define characteristics of a single terminal: Store Setting Printer IP Address Camera Scanning Each terminal must be assigned a Settings record;...
Transactions represent sales and refunds that have been made. A physical receipt image is automatically attached to each transaction for archiving purposes (and signature...
Transactions consist of at least one or more transaction lines. Transaction lines represent details, such as quantity, pricing and description, of the products sold.
This is used to restrict Products to specific Stores. Default is "All Stores". To restrict Products, you simply add in Store(s). Products that are not...
This is used to restrict Products to specific Terminals. Default is "All Terminals". To restrict Products, you simply add in Terminal(s). Products that are not...
Note: Promotions is a add-on module Promotions are a powerful feature that allow you to define time, product, automatic and more complex discounts. You can also...
This is used to restrict Promotions to specific Store(s). Default is "All Stores". To restrict Promotions, you simply add in Store(s) and any Terminal that...
This is not applicable for Whole Order Promotions because they apply to the entire order. Item/Product level Promotions can be applied to Product(s) or Product...
Note: Multi-Org is a add-on module Organizations (as opposed to store locations) are typically used to segregate your transactions (for reporting and analytics) into separate...
TBA. This is not applicable for Whole Order Promotions because they apply to the entire order. Item/Product level Promotions can be applied to Product(s)...